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Get the Scoop | International Axe Throwing Day

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We’ve always thought we axe throwers deserved our own holiday. 

And now we have one! International Axe Throwing day is coming up on June 13. For committed axe throwers, it’s a great excuse to celebrate everything they love about the sport. The satisfying thud of the axe into the wood, the thrill of making the bullseye in the heat of competition, and, of course, the friendships formed through a shared appreciation of throwing sharp objects around.

But International Axe Throwing Day isn’t just for the already-converted. In fact, it’s the perfect chance for the uninitiated to pop along to their local axe throwing venue and find out why axe throwing is now one of the fastest growing new sports in North America. So if you’re in Whistler on June 13, make sure to fit in a trip to Forged. You may just discover your new favourite thing.

What is International Axe Throwing Day?

Quite simply, International Axe Throwing Day on June 13 is a chance to celebrate the growing sport of axe throwing around the world. It’s an opportunity for people to discover just how fun axe throwing really is. International Axe Throwing Day was founded by the World Axe Throwing League to “raise awareness and unify the sport of urban axe throwing”.  It’s all about bringing people together, having fun and of course, throwing plenty of axes.

To encourage as many people to take part as possible, axe throwing venues across Canada and the USA are offering free axe throwing on International Axe Throwing Day. So if you haven’t yet, it’s a great time to plan your first trip to your local axe throwing club.

Here at Forged, we’re getting involved and organizing an Open House (with free axe throwing of course) to give visitors and locals alike their first taste of axe throwing.

Let’s Celebrate at Forged! 

Man with arms up in celebration of axe throwing

Come one, come all for a big day of axe throwing

We couldn’t let International Axe Throwing Day pass us by without doing something special. So we’re inviting you to experience the power of throwing axes for yourself at our Open House with free axe throwing from 12-1pm on International Axe Throwing Day. And we’re partnering with local charities Whistler Community Services Society and Zero Ceiling to raise awareness of mental health issues in our communities.

As our co-owner, James explained: “It’s important to encourage more people to talk about mental health, and here at Forged, we are always keen to bring different communities together and promote inclusivity. The open house, like our locals’ league, will be a good opportunity to bring people together and have fun”

So if you fancy trying your hand at axe throwing for free, and maybe discovering your tribe in the process, head on down to our Open House. Here’s the details:

  • Location: Forged Axe Throwing, Function Junction, Whistler
  • Date: June 13, 2019
  • Time: 12-1pm
  • Cost: Free!

The Rise of Axe Throwing Internationally

It’s not that long since axe throwing was confined to low-key back yard competitions between friends. But in the last 10 years, axe throwing has become an international phenomenon. From its birthplace here in Canada, axe throwing has caught on far and wide, from Bangkok to Sydney, Warsaw to Rio de Janeiro. Clearly, people are catching on to the addictive adrenaline rush of axe throwing. And they’re building a worldwide community of passionate axe throwers and tons of epic axe throwing venues.

Most people these days discover axe throwing through a trip to a venue like Forged: maybe it’s a bachelorette party, a kids birthday or a Friday night after work social. And plenty of people get hooked right away. For them, axe throwing goes from a great night out to a weekly staple. They join axe throwing leagues, like Forged’s Monday night locals’ league. And there they discover not just their new favourite sport, but their tribe: like-minded, friendly people who love throwing axes and making friends.

International Axe Throwing Competitions

And it’s not just local leagues that offer competitive axe throwing these days. There are now national and international axe throwing competitions that are becoming serious business. At the National Axe Throwing Championships in Toronto, there’s even a $20,000 prize pot to be divvied up. In fact, Forged’s rockstar axe throwing host Krista got to compete there earlier this year!  

Standards are high, and things get pretty competitive in the lanes. But even at the biggest competitions, you won’t hear any trash talk or feel any tension in the room. Axe throwers remain a lovely bunch, and you’re more likely to hear competitors cheering their rivals on that shouting them down.  

Axe Throwing for Mental Health

International Axe Throwing Day is a chance to celebrate all the wonderful people that make our sport so special. But as well as showing our regulars and first-timers a good time on June 13, we also wanted to use the day to give back to our community. So we’ve chosen to use our Open House to support amazing local charities who work hard to help people struggling with mental health concerns here in Whistler.

Why mental health? Well, in our two years bringing people together to throw axes, we’ve seen first-hand how a sport like axe throwing can do wonders for your mental health. And we know how prevalent mental health concerns are in modern society, even if we can’t always see them. We all struggle at times, and it can be overwhelming if we have nowhere to turn.

Which is where axe throwing comes in. Axe throwing is not just an amazing way to blow off some steam. From its roots, axe throwing has always been an excuse to spend more time hanging out with great people. It’s fun, it’s accessible and it’s inclusive. And with the rise of axe throwing around the world, it’s created an enormous community of welcoming, open-minded people who have each other’s back.

And it’s no different here at Forged. If you ask any of our staff why they love axe throwing, you’re likely to hear them all say the same thing: for the community. We’ve been so lucky to have an amazing community grow around us over the last few years. As much as we love a bit of friendly competition, what’s really special is the sense of community and the genuine friendships that are formed.

And nowhere is that more obvious than in our weekly locals’ league. Every Monday night, a group of friendly locals fills up Forged with excitable conversation, cheers of encouragement and lots of laughter. Anyone is welcome in our league, whatever your experience level. And we can guarantee you’ll be taken in the fold in no time. Everyone needs to find their tribe, and we’ve seen plenty of people find it right here, with a hatchet in their hand. We can’t take credit for the awesome people who join our leagues, but we think that’s pretty special.

Who we Support 

Heart axe throwing target.

Community means everything to us.

The fact that everyone looks out for each other is one of the reasons why living in Whistler rocks. And there are tons of awesome community organizations and non-profits that do incredible work here. For International Axe Throwing Day, we’ve decided to support two local organizations that work hard to address mental health and well being for people in our community.

  • Whistler Community Services Society

Most Whistler-ites know WCSS because they own the greatest thrift store on the planet: the Re-Use It Centre (check it out if you’re in town). But not everyone knows how much they do to support our community members through challenging times. They provide a huge number of vital services, including free outreach work for anyone who needs to talk.

They also provide help to access counselling and sport for those who can’t afford it, run tons of awesome events in Whistler Welcome Week and a support group for people suffering concussions – among loads of other programs. In short, they make our community healthier, happier, and better connected. Whistler wouldn’t be the same without them and we’re excited that they’ll be part of our International Axe Throwing Day celebrations.

  • Zero Ceiling

Everyone in Whistler knows that spending time in the mountains can change lives. And Zero Ceiling offers that opportunity to young people who have experienced or are at risk of homelessness. They provide housing, employment, support and adventure that empowers these young people to build healthy, independent lives.

And improving their mental health and well being is one of the most important parts of the program. Many of these young people have faced enormous challenges, like poverty, homelessness, abuse, neglect and trauma. But Zero Ceiling finds ways for them to improve their well being through mastering new sports and becoming part of a supportive, inclusive community. And that’s what we’re all about here at Forged, which is why we’re stoked to support Zero Ceiling on International Axe Throwing Day.

Celebrate International Axe Throwing Day at Forged

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or an axe-throwing virgin, International Axe Throwing Day is the perfect excuse to grab a hatchet, hurl it at a target and see what happens. Our kickass axe throwing hosts know how to get anyone scoring bullseyes in no time. And they’re also some of the most awesome people we know. They’ll make you feel like one of us in no time, and you’ll quickly see why axe throwing is winning hearts all over the world. Who knows, maybe you’ll be the next winner of our locals’ league?!