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How to make friends in Victoria

a group of people posing for the camera

I’m originally from Victoria and so have a bit of a social network here but it seems like most people I meet have moved here from somewhere else. It can be challenging to meet people and make new friends when you move to a new town but it’s not impossible!

For whatever reason Victoria has gotten a reputation of it being a hard city to make friends in. I’m not sure why! But what i do know is that the best way to make friends is by doing fun things with new people. A shared interest, a common goal, a pursuit of mastery… whatever it is that brings you together, the activity or the cause gives people a shared language to talk with each other, exchange stories, and eventually… become friends!

If you’re new to Victoria, or maybe you’ve here for a while, and want to make new friends here are some opportunities to find your community and expand your friend group this list is for you! I tried to focus on inclusive events that don’t require you to be an athlete, I’ll make another post all about sports leagues and fitness events in town.

Let me know what you think!

1. Join Our Victoria Axe Throwing League

Thursday 6:45pm at Forged Axe Throwing

axe throwing group standing in front of targets with a trophy wrestling belt

New to throwing axes? Perfect! There’s no better place to practice than league.

League consists of 8 weeks of play, free practice sessions throughout the week, weekly prizes, socializing, and a tournament at the end of the season. All levels of ability are welcome and encouraged.

We compete locally in the venue but you’ll also have your player profile on so you can see how you rank in the global axe throwing community as well which adds a fun level of competition.

Sign up for our next league here

2. Join the Victoria Pinball League

Wednesdays 6:45 at Pinhalla

Thursdays 6:45 at Neon Ranch

Just like Axe Throwing, Pinball also has a league and it’s growing! There’s two main nights, Wednesday and Thursday. To join just show up and sign in with the person running league, normally they’ll have a laptop out and you will be assigned a group of 3 other people to play with… this is how friends are made! Compete with them to see who gets the best scores, get pinball tips and have some laughs.

If you are playing frugally you could get by with $10 each night, but realistically you’ll want to spend about $20/night to get some practice games in.

3. Play Disc Golf

Disc golf is just like golf except with a disc (like a frisbee). It’s WAY easier than traditional golf, and WAY cheaper as well. Once you’ve got a few discs there’s often no green fees and it’s a really nice way to spend an afternoon.

To get involved check out the South Island Disc Golf Society

Disc golf is an amazing activity for a few reasons

  1. It’s cheap! You can get a disc for about $15 to get started. You will eventually end up getting more but to get started you can just use one midrange disc. If you start getting into it you will want a driver and putter…  and of course if you’re really into it you’ll end up with a backpack full of discs for every occasion!
  2. It’s healthy. You’ll be doing a lot of walking if you play disc golf. I think the recomended amount of steps is 10k per day, you should be doing that in a couple round of disc golf.
  3. You can play it individually as well as in a group. This is one great thing about the sport/activity, you can start out by yourself and familiarize yourself with the game, there’s nothing wrong with playing alone listening to some music. There’s many times I’ve been playing where you meet up with people and end up playing together.
  4. There’s a lot of events happening that you can get involved with to meet more people.


As cliche as Meetup is… it can be a great way to meet people who have a common interest. Whether it’s hiking in Goldstream, Standup Paddleboarding on the Gorge, or doing a Dungeons and Dragons night, Meetup will have a group for you.

Some very popular groups include: Board games, walking, coffee meetups, or specialty interest groups. This is a great way to start meeting people in Victoria as everyone who attends a event is looking for the same thing, to make new friends in Victoria!

4. Attend a Cooking Class

Joining a cooking class offers a unique blend of social interaction and skill development, making it an excellent venue for making new friendships.

Cooking is a collaborative and intimate activity. It naturally fosters communication and teamwork, as participants share tasks, exchange tips, and navigate the challenges of creating a meal together. This shared experience can quickly break down social barriers, creating a warm and friendly environment.

Cooking classes are often attended by people who share at least one common interest—the love of food and cooking! This shared passion provides an immediate topic of conversation, easing initial social awkwardness and facilitating deeper discussions.

The sensory experience of cooking—tasting, smelling, and handling ingredients—can create lasting memories and shared experiences that are the cornerstone of real friendships.

The relaxed, hands-on learning environment of a cooking class also allows personalities to shine through in a non-competitive atmosphere, which is conducive to genuine connections.

Try the London Chef, Le Bon Macaron, or Cook Culture.

5. Volunteer in Victoria

Volunteering is a great way to meet people because it aligns everybody around a shared purpose, creating a sense of community and collaboration.

Engaging in volunteer activities places individuals in environments where teamwork is essential, allowing them to interact and form connections with others who have similar values and interests. This shared commitment to a cause not only breaks down social barriers but also cultivates a deep sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among participants.

Volunteering often involves diverse groups of people, providing opportunities to meet individuals from various backgrounds and professions, which can enrich one’s social circle and perspective. The act of working together towards a common goal not only builds friendships but also strengthens social skills and empathy, making volunteering a fulfilling way to connect with others and contribute positively to society.

Check out Volunteer Opportunities in Victoria


The common thread with all of these things is finding an activity that you can do with other people. Making friends is all about finding common interests and having shared experiences.

You might feel a bit awkward at times but just remember that is what vulnerability feels like. The payoff is huge! Good luck!!